Houdini - Ray and Blend Shape
We have two grids, we scatter an equal number of points on both. Boys on the left, girls on the right.
Blend Shapes is a lerp function. You give it a “start” and “goal” state – boys at the start, girls at the goal – and Houdini interpolates between them.
In the operator, blend1 is the bias – a float 0 <> 1 that sets the current “state” along that interpolation.
Houdini - Constraints and anchor_id - Part 1
When Houdini builds a Constraint Network, as long as points have @name, it automagically connects points to the centroid of the object specified by @name.
[Left] We have a constraint network (in yellow). The points only have @name declared on them. [Right] Inside DOPs, Houdini finds the object, and smartly connects the bottom points to the centroid of the object. Which results in:
What we need is a way to tell Houdini which points on the target do we want each constraint point to be anchored to.
Houdini - Constraints and anchor_id - Part 2
See Part 1 here.
99% of the time, when you setup constraint points that are close to/on the surface of a geometry, you don’t actually need i@anchor_id.
[left] We have a constraint network with points that only have @name declared. The points on her body have @name = "thing", the ones on top @name = "".
[right] The constraint network that gets built inside DOPs is as expected, everything just works.
Amazon AWS - EC2 Setup
Most instances must be run inside a VPC. Each VPC has subnets, each subnet is bound to an availablitiy zone.
Make sure the subnet’s IPv4CIDR is set to
Back in the main config, make sure there is a security group assigned (VPC instances all must have one).
And make sure to Auto-assign an IP or you can’t login to the instance!
For the security group, edit the Inbound and Outbound rules:
Houdini - Constraint Networks Basics
A constraint is a single primitive polyline connecting two points. Anything not this will be ignored.
The points tell Houdini what they constrain through a @name attribute. The bottom point, in this case, constrains something called “thing”.
If @name is an empty string [the top point], then it is a “world contraint” e.g. it’s pinned to wherever its position happen to be.
IMPORTANT The @name attribute must exist or the constraint will not be created.
Houdini VEX - Bias Lerp and Slerp
A bias value tells us where, along an interpolation, to grab a value from.
If we’re interpolating between the numbers 1 and 2, when bias == 0, the return value is 1. When bias == 1, the return value is 2. Thusly, bias == 0.5 would return 1.5.
There are two main functions to get this “return value”: lerp (for all numbers and vectors) and slerp (for quarternions).
Formally, to get the “middle” of interpolating between 1 and 2 (above example), we would write:
Houdini - POP Replicate - Fireworks
The basis of all “fireworks” like effects (or rocket boosters!).
Essentially, a single point with @v = {0, 1, 0} fed into a POP Replicate with Impulse set to $F%24==0 e.g. points are replicated every 24-frames.
Houdini - POP Wind vs POP Force
A POP Force is a pushing force – it accelerates particles – each step adds to the particle’s @v.
A POP Wind is a pulling force. If we have this setting:
An attribute is created on the particle called @targetv – in this case {0,2,0}. Over time, the particle will match its own @v to @targetv. This also means that the particle’s @v will never exceed @targetv – as apposed to a POP Force, which keeps adding to @v.
Houdini - Modeling With a Ramp
A ramp takes in a sample position 0 <> 1 (x-axis) and outputs the value sampled at that position from the y-axis.
Here, we take a Line SOP and create a line with direction {0, 1, 0}. We feed it into a Revolve SOP.
Before the Revolve, we use a Wrangle to push the @P.x of the points around with the ramp.
float pos = @ptnum/float(@numpt); // For each point 0.
Houdini - Animating with UV
The network, at the most basic level needs only 2 things: a path, and a point.
The magic sauce and engine that drives the whole thing is Attribute Interpolate. It expects points from its first input, and paths/primitives from its second input.
The points from the first input must have:
i@sourceprim – match this to a @primnum from the second input.
v@sourceprimuv – where to place the point on the sourceprim.